Cleaning Tips & Tricks: Prevention Helps Keep Things Cleaner

Most people want a clean house. Unfortunately, life sometimes gets busy, and cleaning responsibility might get pushed to the side in favor of work or family responsibilities. Fortunately, the American Cleaning Institute has provided several cleaning tips & tricks, which will help simplify cleaning in your home.

  • Keep kitchen and bathroom surfaces as dry and clean as possible. Otherwise, you may start to grow moisture-loving bacteria, mold, and mildew, which will then require extra scrubbing to remove.
  • Clean up liquid spills, crumbs from food, and other messes right away. Leaving them to be cleaned up later will only spread the mess. Plus, things such as spilt juice or other sticky substances will be more difficult to clean-up once they have dried.
  • To reduce mold in your shower or bathtub, leave shower doors and curtains open to allow the surfaces to air-dry.
  • Minimize clutter in your home. The bigger the mess, the harder it is to clean and the more spaces there are for dust and allergens to collect.
  • Wipe off your shoes on a rug or mat before entering your home. Then you will carry less dirt, pollen, and other substances from outside into your home. Having a place to put your shoes next to the door can also help to keep mud, allergens, and other outdoor products off your carpets and other floors.

Of course, these prevention cleaning practices should be used by all family members. Make sure everyone in your home is on the same page, and work to remind each other of the importance of using these cleaning practices in your home. While they will not eliminate the need for the bigger cleaning tasks, they will make the bigger tasks a little easier.

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