Our Annual Company Bowling Party Was A Success!

Thank you all for your hard work this year and for making our annual company party a success!

Our getting together each year is very special to all of us. Not only do we want to celebrate all the hard work you do throughout the year, but it is wonderful just to catch up. Since we are working in different locations, we don’t get to see each other as often as we would like. Our annual bowling party gives us a chance to all come together and enjoy each other’s company. We are so lucky to have you all!

This year we had over 80 people join us at Stuart Bowl for a fun night of bowling and family fun. Pins were falling everywhere and strikes and spares were the order of the day. Okay, maybe there were a few gutter balls but no one really noticed because everyone was having such a great time!

We love how the children were mentioning it to their parents and looking forward to coming. It seems to have become a big social event for the kids and a nice way for them to end the summer before the busy school season starts.

Brenda was unstoppable and won both prizes in our guessing game competitions. Congratulations Brenda!

Everyone was enjoying the food and we baked so many goodies this year that we had enough to send home with everyone. No one seemed to mind though.

We would like to thank the staff at Stuart Bowl for doing an excellent job. We really appreciate their efforts. John was our cook again this year and he did an outstanding job. Shawn helped coordinate the lanes for us. Michelle and Danielle helped with the serving and made sure everything was running smoothly. And, we have to thank Tyler (even though it was his night off), for once again, making sure everything was set and ready for us to have a great party.

We are already looking forward to an even bigger party next year! Thanks again to all the members of our Custom Cleaning Staff, the Stuart bowling staff and all the great family and friends who showed up to share our special night. We appreciate you all!

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