Turn Your Clutter Into Cash

Is your closet fill to bursting? Are your bookshelves piled with paperbacks you’ll never re-read? Is it hard to find space for new things because you have too many things you don’t even really use? You need to clear away some clutter! But before you throw out those old DVDs or figurines, consider making some money off of your clutter.
Electronics- If you have electronics you’re probably never going to use again why not turn them in for cash? Websites like Amazon, Best Buy, or Gazelle will pay you for your old electronics. Amazon offers an Amazon gift card for your items and will take a wide range of products including books, electronics, music, and DVDs. Best Buy gives gift cards for everything from cellphones to video games. Gazelle offers cash, a gift card, or a check for your stuff.
Clothing: Selling your old clothes works best if you have name brand clothing (Such as H&M, Old Navy, or Ann Taylor) or designer labels (Such as Chanel).

Consignments shops are an easy way to get cash for clothes you don’t wear anymore. How does consignment work? You start by dropping your clothing off at the store. If the clothing sells you get money but the store takes a consignment fee (Which varies. Be sure to ask the store what their consignment fee is). However, you don’t have to worry about attracting customers. Consignment stores are usually high traffic places, so the chances of your clothing selling go up. If the clothing doesn’t sell within a certain time period (from 30 to 90 days), you simply take it back.
If a consignment shop isn’t your thing, there are websites where you can make money on your old clothes. ThredUP sells used women’s and children’s clothes. ThredUP will send you a bag to fill with clothing. The clothes should be in “like new” condition. Once they’ve accepted and then sold your old clothes, you’ll receive from 5% to 80% of the list price. Poshmark looks like Instagram but works like Ebay. You upload a photo and sell your dresses, makeup, handbag, or jewelry to the highest bidder.
Books: Books are wonderful, no denying it. However, what do you do when you’re done with “The Girl on the Train”? Are you going to re-read it? Probably not. Bookscouter allows you to compare prices between websites to get the most bang for your book. By entering the books ISBN number on the barcode of your book, the website will tell you the price of the book. Shipping them the book is free. Once Bookscouter receives the book, you’ll receive your payment. Amazon also has an app, the Amazon Seller App, that will scan your book’s barcode and let you know how much you can get for it as an Amazon trade-in.
Other Items: There are plenty of other things that can clutter up your house. From figurines to furniture there are websites that will help you get rid of almost anything. Ebay is the perfect website for selling your unwanted clutter. It’s free for most items. You can try to get a high bid or simply set a fixed price. Letgo is a similar website. Selling is free, and your items are listed by your town and state. This gives you the option to meet with a buyer instead of shipping the item. If you arrange to meet with someone, it’s best to meet in a public place. Letgo has several helpful safety tips regarding buying and selling on its website. Craigslist runs in a similar fashion, allowing you to meet with a person in your area to sell the things that would be too expensive or cumbersome to ship.
Then there’s always the old-fashioned way. Hosting a garage sale may be easier than using the internet if you have a large number of different items to get rid of. Use stickers to put prices on everything you plan to sell. Customers are often hesitant to ask about prices so having stickers will help sell more stuff. Set up tables and organize your items by category. All your jewelry together, all your electronics on one table, toys in one area, etc. Remember to have dollars bills, and coins for change. It’s a good idea to keep your money in a fanny pack or wallet. This way you won’t have to worry about leaving cash lying unattended, if you have to get up to help a customer.
Not only have you gotten rid of unwanted stuff clogging up your house but you’re a little richer too! Just remember not to replace the clutter you just gave away with more stuff. Ebay, Poshmark, and other websites may offer items at discounted prices but if you don’t need it, don’t buy it. Use the money you made on your clutter to treat yourself in another way. Go to a spa, take a vacation, or save it for a rainy day.